Days are wisping by me right now and it’s difficult to even keep track of a single 24 hour span. But today I woke up, tended to the animals, ate and spent most of the morning planning a trip to the desert with C. I booked one hotel, but there are other details I still need to work out since he wants to do some camping too. C left and I got ready for work. It was pretty slow today which was surprising, but I wasn’t upset about it since I wasn’t feeling my best. I’ve had this headache for the past two days and had some sharp pains in my stomach tonight, but nothing too severe. It could be because I upped my dosage of tinctures yesterday? Anything that was prescribed as 15 drops I added another 5 drops to which I don’t see any harm in for this last week. I feel pretty good on this diet though which is great… I am kind of nervous to come off of it actually. I should elaborate on my Friday evening escapades, but I am not going to say anything other than Cory came to the house I am house sitting at to unstuck my car, but then after got his massive plow truck stuck which was just dreadful. I hope we both forget Friday night forever. I almost ran over a fox on my way home from the Moose. I haven’t told anyone about it… he was so beautiful I started crying before the event was finished. What compels one to cry when something bad doesn’t happen? I’m not sure… the surprise that it didn’t? The relief that you didn’t have to deal with the negative consequence? I think the latter…