Day sixteen on this cleanse and I’m finally over the hump! This morning’s wake up call was comprised of violent cramps followed by one of the more horrific bowel movements I’ve ever had. I’ll take that as more die-off. Breakfast was half of an apple with nut butter and yet another Mountain Bluebird smoothie. It’s just too good to be healthy. This morning at the jewelry shop was a bit hectic. We had to fulfill about twenty orders before noon which is always a rush when there aren’t any boxes prepared. Despite the time crunch, all of them got packaged and were shipped out today. Lunch was spinach and fennel soup at HBJ – I met up with Cat to catch up. She’s having some lymph nodes removed on March 1st. My take on it? I don’t think they need to be removed… We suffer from all of this inflammation and there is something that causes it. Anyway, it’s not my place to say.
The rest of the day was a blur. I’ll admit I was tired all day today, but remained in high spirits. I ended the day by working on some inventory stuff which I’ll continue tomorrow. I left, stopped at TJ’s, made my way over to the gym to sauna and shower, and chatted with Jane and Holden for quite some time. After getting home I scarfed down left over chicken with guacamole and then washed it all down with a nutty banana. I did the dishes, but something is wrong with the sink now… the water stopped flowing, but luckily I had finished most all of the dishes besides the butter crock. Now I’m looking at vacation spots again; it seems as though I’ll choose something on the ocean in Oregon somewhere. Tbh, I’d rather check out Washington, but early spring is a toughy. I don’t want it to be too cold wherever we go. Maybe I should check out the desert instead.
I can’t remember how many days I’ve been on this castor oil pack, but hopefully it’s doing something.