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It’s only the third day of the year and it feels like it’s February already. We slept in until 8:30AM which I suppose maybe we needed, buy my energy levels were undoubtedly lacking after sleeping so well last night. Today was an organization day. The place we keep our trailer looks like a dump with the added clutter of all our own crap we brought in – I had to get moving. And just like that the day was over. Most everything has a place, but we still need to add some storage area for a few items. It ain’t perfect, but it’s home.

There is some residual mold that hasn’t been eliminated in here which may be causing these daily headaches. It’s something I dealt with when we lived in the garage on Deer Drive. Maybe I’ll list my overall health issues I’ve been having over the course of the past three to four years just as an overview.

I think the most obnoxious and prevalent symptom is the brain fog… I forget what I am going to say or do as I go to say or do it. Or I can’t recall a conversation from earlier in the day. It seems to mimic dementia quite a bit. Sometimes it’s even difficult to recall my day.

Second is my perpetual sickness. I have a head cold every day, all day. Some weeks are better than others. The frequency of my illnesses have very apparently increased after I had come down with Covid back in 2020, but after getting sick in early October of 2022 it seems as though I never have a break from sickness; it’s just my baseline now.

The third most annoying symptom I have is chronic fatigue syndrome. I would prefer sleeping all day, but that is not realistic, sustainable or fashionable. Many days I have to take naps just to feel almost the same amount of exhaustion as I had before napping.

Finally – not to be forgotten, the Chilblains or Pernio as it’s called interchangeably. I had been treating my very randomly onset chilblains as athletes foot for two years before I had discovered other people were experiencing the same symptoms and called it “Covid toes”. Your skin becomes inflamed, incredibly itchy, and painful to the touch. I was getting it on all of my toes and fingers. It was such a relief to find that there was an actual diagnosis for my symptoms, but still perplexing that no one really knows why people have Chilblains or why people who have had Covid are experiencing this.

Other symptoms? I get tonsil stones like it’s my job to manufacture them. Digestive issues have been life long, but haven’t been so prevalent up until the past few years. My skin is a train wreck! Since August 2023 I have been growing facial “cysts”, we’ll call them, and my chin looks like I have psoriasis, but that’s the least of my worries really. My lymph nodes are the size of Africa and I’m ready for all this to just stop.

I’m so glad it’s time for bed.

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