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Skid Life

Time flew by today. Just to update everyone (in short) – our landlord for the past fifteen months had given us the boot back in November. Well, as it turns out that law degree she obtained didn’t do her much good as she was not privy to the housing laws of Wyoming and unfortunately for her, that meant that the verbal notification my husband got on November 4, 2023 didn’t mean anything. Wyoming law states that “the Owner must provide the Renter, at a minimum, thirty (30) days’ written notice that the unit will not be available to Renter to re-rent.” To this day we have not received written notice. Although technically we have the right to still live on her property, we decided it would be less awkward for all if we just left by the end of the year.

If any of you out there understand the housing market in Jackson, you’d know it would be impossible for a low income married couple with a dog to find housing at this time. So we’re doing what any self-respecting dirt-bag family in some of the coldest weather in the United States would do… camp! That’s right. We bought a 1978 Great Westerner trailer and it is solid, but needs some renovating. New Years Eve was our first night staying in our partially demoed rig. I love it. It’s cozy, it’s cheap, it’s exciting and best of all, it’s ours. No more walking on egg shells for someone who never gave a crap about us. We’re finally free to have our own schedule and not be on call 24/7 for someone who doesn’t appreciate it.

Long story longer – this preface was all to inform you that we are now living in a trailer and even after getting rid of a lot of our stuff and putting much of it into storage we still have way too many THINGS and even though we have downsized it still doesn’t feel like enough. We’ll see; there is still so much cleaning and organizing to do it’s too hard to say at the moment, but I wish I didn’t want or need any of it. Hopefully this year will bring us some practicality when it comes to getting the best use out of our “new” space and maybe we’ll even donate some more while we’re at it.

I guess the point of this post is just to tell you I am so sorry, but we won’t be covering anything health related today because my life is a shit show. OH! And our former landlord is bringing us to court in two days… wish us luck!

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